Unfortunately America Allowed Republican Control Of The House Once Again

Why did America do this? They went to the voting booth and voted for Republicans to take control of the House of Representatives. Did they not learn the lessons presented to us by the party that comforted and enabled the insurrectionist former president, Donald Trump. Didn’t we watch as Donald Trump allegedly instigated a riot and break in of the Capitol in an attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election, the very same thing he accuses the Democrats of doing to him. Didn’t they see the Republicans defend him openly like cowards while behind closed doors they condemned it. Didn’t they hear the Republicans say they would like to get rid of Social Security or bring it up for review every few years where they will have a chance to end it? Didn’t the Republicans refuse to pass a law that would lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors?

Was it ignorance or was it an attempt to “own the libs” or both? Either way it may cost all of us. There is an expectation of legislative gridlock for at least the next two years because as the Republicans will take over the House, the Democrats will control the Senate. That means each party may have their agenda stalled by the other chamber and each will blame the other for the gridlock. So, that will be the cost of owning the libs. Congratulations! The only possible good may come from the situation, if any, will be, they will be forced to compromise or nothing will get done. 

Biden, Democrats celebrate keeping control of the Senate AOL:

“President Joe Biden on Sunday touted the results of the midterm elections, with Democrats projected to maintain control of the U.S. Senate following Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto’s narrow defeat of Republican Adam Laxalt to win re-election in Nevada.

“We feel good about where we are. And I know I’m a cockeyed optimist,” Biden told reporters in Cambodia after NBC News and other news outlets projected that his party would keep a majority in the Senate. He added that he was “not surprised” by the turnout… AOL: https://www.aol.com/news/biden-democrats-celebrate-retaining-control-191027614.html

Comment: Now if only a miracle would give them back control of the house against expected takeover by the Republicans. That would be pie in the face of the election deniers.

Former AG jeff sessions faces runoff in the Alabama gop race for the US senate and still supports trump after being attacked by him for his recusal in the muller probe.

Trump Attacks Jeff Sessions On Twitter MSNBC

Jeff Sessions; What a shameful display of sucking up to Donald Trump. Sessions is behaving like a puppy dog who still comes back and lick his master’s hand after being treated badly. Yes they are right you are nut’s. Where is your pride? All in the name of getting votes from the trump drones, but the problem is Jeff, Trump is not supporting you. This is laughable!

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